The Horizon Scanning Handbook

The ultimate guide to technology watching, trend analysis and horizon scanning.

What Is Horizon Scanning?
In a world of accelerating digital transformation, the rate of change has never been this fast, and it will never be this slow again. It is increasingly important to understand and track the latest technological developments and what they mean for you and your organisation.Horizon Scanning is the systematic examination of information to identify potential threats, risks, emerging issues and opportunities. Horizon Scanning allows you to be better prepared and exploit upcoming opportunities as they emerge.
What is in the book?
Navigating this complex and ever changing world of development can be incredibly tricky, but with a combination of case studies and simple rulesets the pathway can be cleared.This book will talk you through the full horizon scanning process from source to insight, from browsing to futurology. With simple rules of thumb and detailed explanations whatever level of detail you are after this book has it all.

Who Should Buy This Book?
Anyone can be a horizon scanner, bringing in the latest news and academic developments. However, by utilising a structured methodology you can save time and effort and ensure you are capturing the full extent of future horizons.This book is for both beginners looking to understand what horizon scanning is and existing practitioners who are looking to check against best practice.
Within Horizon Scanning we cover:
- Automated data collection
- Technology Watch
- Technology Management
- Wildcard indentification
- Trend analysis
- Challenge refinement
- Futurology
- Insight generationIf any of these topics sound of interest then THIS is the book for you.
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